PHP Resources Helper

A package for loading resources , whether from files on-disk or from passed-in arrays or strings The basic syntax is: $myThing = R('the.key'); keys are basic. Simply ([a-zA-Z.]+)

  • Load Data:
    • R("/the/file/path.json") -
    • R(["an"=>"array_of_data"])
    • R($arrayOr$path,"namespace");
    • R("the.key=","the_value"); - To namespace this, simply add a key. before "the.key"
    • R(".fileExt",$dataString); - Set the dataString with the particular format
    • R(".fileExt",$dataString,'namespace'); - Set the dataString with the particular format & the specified namespace prefix
  • Customize resource file type // delayed - R($yamlParserObj,'yaml');
    • R( function($fileContent,$fileName){}, ['yaml','myyaml']); - that's all a parser object really is
  • Customize error handling - default uses trigger_error with a... (notice or warning?) // delayed - R($errorHandlerObj) - the lack of a second paramater identifies this from customizing resource file type
    • R( function($error){});
  • Load a stored value
    • $theValue = R("the.key")
    • $theValue = R("the.key","default_value")
    • $theValue = R("the.key.") - to get a list

More technical aspect:

  • Interpret the input:
    1. $arg1 matches [a-zA-Z\.]+ means it's retrieval
    2. $arg1 matches [a-zA-Z\.]+\=$ means set $arg2 to key $arg1
    3. $arg1 is an array means set values. optional $arg2 is a namespace prefix. Keys from $arg1 are set to $namespace.$key = $value
    4. $arg1 is an object or function and $arg2 is a string or array. Set the file-processor to the extension or extensions
    5. $arg1 is an array or object and the only argument. This is an error handler
  • Delayed features:
    • Passing an object as your error handler or file parser may be added in a future version
    • P assing a data string directly (as opposed to file path) should be added to a future version
  • Questions
    • model allows more customizability, if I want to add additional modifying symbols.
    • Are keys case sensitive? Let's say NO
    • What happens if "key" is set & someone tries "key.subThing"???
  • Testing
    • Will use my own testing framework for testing through the browser.

ROF File Type

  • This note belongs in a nother repo
  • And... yaknow. YAML looks like nearly everything I want & better.

A configuration file format. Targeted for PHP. There are three parts: 1) A key 2) A separator 3) The data The default functionality is: - Parse a string, return an array of key=>data pairs - data is always a string first, and it is trimmed, so all surrounding whitespace is removed from the data - data can be returned either flat or multi-layered - data can be multi-line - data is not wrapped in quotes - In [key][SEPARATOR], the separator can be repeated. If there are multiple separators, then the following data is ended via writing that separator the same number of times - Comments are written at the beginning of a line, preceded with COMMENT_STARTER, by default: //

The basic formats for entries are: name: Reed // parses to name=>"Reed" description: A person.
He likes to do a lot of things. description2: A human. Not sure why he isn't a goat. //comment about the description2 //This is part of the data reed.Some.Thing: the-data //this parses into "reed.Some.Thing"=>"the-data" //or can parse_multi_dim like "reed"=>["some"=>["Thing"=>"the-data"]]


a.key(text): the-data